Managed MT

AI powered by Human Expertise

Book a consultation today

Enjoy the future of localization now

Artificial intelligence has made great strides over the last few years, and its business potential is significant for the translation industry. In light of groundbreaking innovations in this area, companies are looking to maximize their localization budget, while still upholding their quality levels. This is where Managed MT – Milengo’s brand-new, AI-supported localization service – comes in. Our pioneering solution combines self-learning translation systems, which are trained according to customer requirements, with an innovative and cost-optimized quality assurance workflow

Advantages at a glance

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Free set-up of your neural translation system

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Training of the MT solution in line with your company requirements

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Up to 80% lower translation costs

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Simplified budget planning thanks to a transparent price matrix

The smart approach to translation

Ultramodern neural networks lie at the heart of Managed MT. We train these using data such as translation memories and multilingual glossaries, and thanks to self-learning algorithms we continuously improve the quality of your translations. The result: productivity levels that are up to five times higher than those of conventional translation workflows. Not only that, but we will also consult you on the best way to implement this solution in your corporate environment

Managed MT at a glance

Upload your documents for translation
Training of your customized MT Engine
Review of the AI translation by expert linguists
Download of the translation files and reports

Your company’s message in safe hands

Growing numbers of companies are discovering the benefits of machine translation. However, you run the risk of using mistranslated material if your raw machine output isn’t subjected to a stringent post-editing process. That’s why Milengo has developed an innovative human quality assurance workflow that is designed to eliminate the errors typically associated with machine translation. These include inconsistent terminology, incorrect product names, and unintentionally offensive or culturally inappropriate content. Managed MT allows your company to significantly free up its localization budget – without having to worry about the quality of its translations.

Get in touch

Schedule a 30-minute call with us today to discuss how we can excel your translation and localization initiatives and strategies.